Sunday, August 21, 2011

How To Effectively Remove Asbestos: This Is Serious Business

Until recently, I realized that asbestos removal is serious business. Like everybody, I heard about the threat of asbestos when the World Trade Center was attacked, but I realized it was only because of the destruction of the building. It seemed that most people already have asbestos removed or contained, and I realized that the real problem.

I was in for some surprising and unpleasant results when I started to rebuild my home. To my surprise, it was asbestos all over the place! Some do not consider it much of a problem. When I hired someone to remove asbestos siding, he gave me a very reasonable estimate. You see, when it is easier to asbestos is well. Can be used in a wide range of different applications, and in some of its forms it is relatively safe. In the case of asbestos siding, this can be removed in pieces, without either getting it in the air. This means that it is not really harmful to home owners, and not very dangerous for asbestos removal.

However, asbestos siding is definitely a wake-up call. After that, I wanted to apply for some asbestos testing before I had more home renovation. To my surprise, I needed more. You see, my attic is asbestos insulation. Unlike siding, installation is not well contained. It was wrapped around the pipe, stuffed in corners and crevices, and generally spread around. This type of asbestos removal was important, but it is also difficult. You see, if you have asbestos hanging in your attic, it's just a matter of time before it gets into your house. To this day, I do not know how I was exposed. I hope that very few, and so far my health is good, but who knows what the future holds.

The mistake I made was assuming that, because I never heard anything about asbestos as in their home, there was nobody there. In reality, the fact that I knew meant that I was in danger. If you have a house built over several decades, you should have it tested for asbestos, lead paint, and various other toxins used to be used in home construction. After all, if you have a toxic home, it is best to know before it's too late.


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