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Asbestos minerals have a whole have silicon in them. They are naturally occurring and have a thin fibrous crystals. These minerals have been getting its importance felt in the industry with respect to various parameters --- it is resistant to heat, can be used to extinguish the fire, as it has the properties of flame retardant, and can also be used as an insulator. But using this mineral also has caused major problems. It is a threat to human health on prolonged exposure. Asbestosis, lung cancer and cancer of the mesothelial cells are some of the deadly disease prolonged exposure to asbestos can cause. But the tricky part is that exposure to asbestos have developed the symptoms are mostly imitations of other diseases, thus making it difficult for proper diagnosis of asbestos infection.
This is a long drawn out process for the symptoms of asbestos exposure to develop. Another challenging aspect of the symptoms is that symptoms vary from person to osobe.Varijacija is due to the time span for which the individual is exposed to asbestos and also depends on the type and nature exposed to asbestos.
Development of symptoms of exposure to asbestos is a slow process. There are different symptoms generated for long and short contact minerala.Simptome that are likely to develop because of its proximity to high levels of asbestos can cause cancer of the lungs and abdomen (mesothelial lining) and asbestos azbestoze.IzloĹženosti symptoms of major health effects are discovered during godina.Indikacije are generally in a latent state, and the surface only after years. Some general symptoms developed breasts getting stiff accompanied by pain, chronic cough that sometimes there is blood, crackling sound in the lungs while inhaling air, clubbing fingers and toes, bluing or discoloration of the lips and fingers is called cyanosis, loss of appetite and difficulty getting reduced.
asbestosis occurs with symptoms that include shortness of breath, chest pain, chronic cough, and problems with proper breathing, and the individual also faces a problem with physical exertion. Mesothelioma affects the chest and abdomen lining, thereby causing stiffness, chest pain, chest pain, constant cough, fatigue, and there is a substantial weight loss. Mesothelioma can actually lead to peritoneal or pleural mesothelioma. Symptoms of asbestos exposure in the case of peritoneal mesothelioma are getting a swollen abdomen, smooth flow of getting obstructed bowel, night sweats and fever, which is accompanied by others such as weight loss, painful tendency and anemia.
Short-term exposure can happen to people who work in industry or who inhaled asbestos, and some of his house got renovirana.Simptome that develop are a pain in the chest and also in the stomach, and some irritating sensation in the skin and a mucosa. These are added together with the breath problem.
pericardial lining of the heart may also be affected by mesothelioma. It comes with heart palpitations, chronic cough and fatigue. Asbestos exposure symptoms that accompany lung cancer are dry cough, infection in the lungs, blood getting mixed with sputum.
symptoms of exposure to asbestos if the doctor early, then a proper diagnosis and treatment can help cure any ill effects due to proximity to naturally occurring asbestos minerals called
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