Sunday, August 7, 2011

Detecting Asbestos Tiles

Asbestos is regulated materials, because the studies and scientific research has proven that the cause of several forms of cancer, mesothelioma, asbestos and poisoning. These diseases do not show up immediately after exposure to asbestos have an extremely long latency period. However, constant and prolonged exposure to asbestos will cause its tiny fibers and particles accumulate in the lungs.

These asbestos fibers are particularly severe, they can easily break and penetrate sensitive tkiva.NajteĹža lung disease that can contract due to exposure to asbestos is mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer that claimed thousands of lives.

It was only in 1960 was fatal mesothelioma associated with asbestos inhalation and ingestion. It took several years before a government agency has imposed restrictions on the use of asbestos and mineral used in construction materials such as floor tiles. Only laboratory testing will prove the presence of asbestos, but the tiles that contain this mineral share specifics. Here are a few ways to determine whether the tiles in your home contain hazardous asbestos fibers:
  • If the tiles are colored black, gray, brown, gray or brown, there is a high probability that they contain asbestos. Asphalt and vinyl tiles that come in these colors are infused with asbestos fibers. Between these two types of tile, asphalt variety has the highest concentration of asbestos fibers, mainly because they are used as the primary ingredient of asphalt.
  • It is important to determine the age of the flooring. Maybe you want to be especially careful of this when you bought an older home. Since the presence of asbestos drive down home prices, the former owners may have removed all the insulation, because it is one of the main usages of asbestos fibers. They may have overlooked replacement of floor tiles. Asbestos was widely used in floor tiles, especially those produced between 1920 and 1960. Older vinyl and asphalt flooring made ​​with asbestos, and this type of floor tiles usually come in nine-inch squares and are generally thicker than the newer floor tiles.
  • In addition to vinyl and asphalt tile, linoleum sheet, especially those produced before the 1980's-is also known to contain asbestos. Sheet linoleum is attached to the concrete by the adhesive, which contains the hazardous substances. If the house they live in now was built in the decades mentioned above and all the flooring is original to you and your family may be at risk of exposure to asbestos.
  • If you suspect that your tiles contain asbestos, do not try to remove it yourself, even to extract a small sample to send to the testing laboratory. Contact a licensed asbestos removal company, so you can view your tiles. Sawing, scraping, or cutting through the floor tiles can release asbestos fibers into the air if you do it yourself. Professional asbestos removal have the technical knowledge and equipment to perform the job properly.


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